OUR BRANDS Firespecter Li Nick
Li Nick
Name: Li Nick (Frank)Gender: Male
Nationality: Chinese
Year of Birth: 1960
Occupation: Was the head of the Chinese Science and Technology Research Institute in China and became a priest in Saint Church.
Traits: Peace-seeker and nice person. Became weird and quiet after renamed as Frank.
Background: Li Nick was the best student in the Science Institute in China. He loves researches and experiments. He was appointed by the Chinese government to be the ’Military developmental Officer’ and responsible in developing new active elements. However, he found that the government used his inventions and discoveries to start wars. He was disappointed and left his country.
He became a priest and tried his best to help the needy. He witnessed the birth of Tough, brought him up and taught him Tai Chi and the bible.
After the church fire, his face was disfigured. So he was mocked as “Frankenstein”. He secretly continued the research work at the church basement. He hoped that his research can save the world.
The weapons that Fire Specter used are invented by him.